Chord Gitar Five Minutes - The Winner


List Chord:

[Intro] D A E F#m

D        A               E
 we were born in to this world..
not to win in every competitions..
   A                    E
we need to beat for our own worst
to be a better human race..

      A                     E
human being are never feel enough..
never feel satisfied..
      A         E
never feel.. sorry..
never feel gratefull

               D             A
everyone's the winner in the world..
               E             F#m
win to reach a value of happyness..
                D             A
everyone is the winner in the world..
to get it, to get it,
to get it, you know..?

[Intl] D A E F#m

D        A               E
 we were born in to this world..
not to win in every competitions..
   A                    E
we need to beat for our own worst
to be a better human race..

      A                     E
human being are never feel enough..
never feel satisfied..
      A         E
never feel.. sorry..
never feel gratefull

               D             A
everyone's the winner in the world..
               E             F#m
win to reach a value of happyness..
                D             A
everyone is the winner in the world..
to get it, to get it,
to get it, you know..?

               D             A
everyone's the winner in the world..
       E          F#m
so let me refresh you..
               D             A
everyone's the winner in the world..
to get it, to get it,
to get it, you know..?

 D       A         E       F#m
(o o o woo o o o.. o o o woo woo..)
 D       A
(o o o woo o o o..
everyone's the winner in the world..
 E       F#m
(o o o woo woo..)
win to reach a value of happyness
 D       A
(o o o woo o o o..
everyone's the winner in the world
 E       F#m
(o o o woo woo..)
win to reach a value of happyness
 D       A
(o o o woo o o o..)
everyone's the winner in the world..
E        F#m
hoo.. huuu..

               D             A
everyone's the winner in the world..
               E             F#m
win to reach a value of happyness..
                D             A
everyone is the winner in the world..
to get it, to get it,
to get it, you know..?


[Intro] C G D Em

C        G               D
 we were born in to this world..
not to win in every competitions..
   G                    D
we need to beat for our own worst
to be a better human race..

      G                     D
human being are never feel enough..
never feel satisfied..
      G         D
never feel.. sorry..
never feel gratefull

               C             G
everyone's the winner in the world..
               D             Em
win to reach a value of happyness..
                C             G
everyone is the winner in the world..
to get it, to get it,
to get it, you know..?

[Intl] C G D Em

C        G               D
 we were born in to this world..
not to win in every competitions..
   G                    D
we need to beat for our own worst
to be a better human race..

      G                     D
human being are never feel enough..
never feel satisfied..
      G         D
never feel.. sorry..
never feel gratefull

               C             G
everyone's the winner in the world..
               D             Em
win to reach a value of happyness..
                C             G
everyone is the winner in the world..
to get it, to get it,
to get it, you know..?

               C             G
everyone's the winner in the world..
       D          Em
so let me refresh you..
               C             G
everyone's the winner in the world..
to get it, to get it,
to get it, you know..?

 C       G         D       Em
(o o o woo o o o.. o o o woo woo..)
 C       G
(o o o woo o o o..
everyone's the winner in the world..
 D       Em
(o o o woo woo..)
win to reach a value of happyness
 C       G
(o o o woo o o o..
everyone's the winner in the world
 D       Em
(o o o woo woo..)
win to reach a value of happyness
 C       G
(o o o woo o o o..)
everyone's the winner in the world..
D        Em
hoo.. huuu..

               C             G
everyone's the winner in the world..
               D             Em
win to reach a value of happyness..
                C             G
everyone is the winner in the world..
to get it, to get it,
to get it, you know..?
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